
Get to know the municipal elected officials championing climate change action in communities of all sizes across Canada.

Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program

FCM in the news

In an op-ed in The HIll Times, FCM President Vicki-May Hamm argues that the key to fully implementing the federal government's cannabis policy is through the empowerment of cities and communities.

FCM in the news

Three big-city Canadian mayors make the case for a modernized approach to reduce emissions, boost productivity and shorten people's commutes.

FCM in the news

As cannabis becomes legal across Canada today, FCM President Vicki-May Hamm reiterates the municipal call for effective, durable financial tools to keep Canadians safe and well served.

FCM in the news

Legalizing cannabis across Canada is a challenge for all orders of government. That starts with local governments on the front lines of the places where cannabis will be sold and consumed. A Policy Options article by FCM President Vicki-May Hamm.

FCM in the news

Responding to a Maclean's columnist, FCM's President shows how rural, northern and remote communities are actively building a brighter future.

FCM in the news

As a lopsided relationship between provinces and cities plays out across Canada, BCMC Chair Don Iveson says it's time to modernize how we work together to serve Canadians.
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