Regional Councillor Diana Huson is a proud life-long resident of the Niagara Region  with a valuable understanding of the opportunities and challenges that exist in a community with a large urban and rural base.   With an extensive professional background  in both the public and private sectors, she is a passionate advocate for affordable housing;  an enhanced Gas Tax Fund  that supports Green initiatives;  sustainable and economic development;  women’s issues; and family-first policies,  including the roll-out of a national childcare program. First elected in 2018, Councillor Huson is the first female candidate to both run and be successfully elected to Regional Council for the Town of Pelham.      
A graduate of Brock University, Councillor Diana Huson holds both a Master of Arts in Political Science (Public Policy) and a Master of Business Administration (Marketing). She is also a published scholar,  with a published academic article in  the Canadian Journal of Political Science on Economic Development in Niagara.  
Councillor Diana Huson is passionate about local governance, collaboration and advocacy encouraging partnerships across jurisdictional boundaries and funding support for municipalities with upper levels of government. She has an enthusiasm for bringing stakeholders together, building consensus, and employing effective communications to facilitate change. She believes her diverse and professional background  will provide a valuable contribution to the  effective advocacy efforts  of the FCM Board of Directors, to empower municipalities and municipal priorities across a national forum.
Councillor Diana Huson has been a member of the Ontario Caucus with FCM since 2021 serving on a variety of Committees.

She is an avid cyclist  and  hiker  seeking any opportunity to showcase the wonders and beauty of the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve to outdoor enthusiasts. She has a  strong interest in preserving and protecting  Canada’s  natural heritage  that has offered her insights into best practices for promoting  active lifestyles and the benefits of incorporating active transportation into community planning. She is also passionate about entrepreneurship and supporting the growth and development of small to medium sized business   – particularly in a post-COVID economy.

Councillor Diana Huson’s comprehensive achievements include:
Director, FCM Ontario Caucus (2021-2023)
Co-Chair, FCM Standing Committee on Social Economic Development
Co-Chair, FCM Standing Committee on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
FCM Standing Committee on Increasing Women’s Participation in Local Government
FCM Standing Committee on Anti-Racism and Equity
FCM Rural Forum
Chair, Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee (Niagara Region)
Chair, Women’s Advisory Committee (Niagara Region)
Vice-Chair, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) 2018-2019
Vice-Chair, Strategic Planning Committee (NPCA) 2020-2021
Economic Development Working Group (Town of Pelham) 2014-2016

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