Daniel Champagne

Hello, my name is Gregg Davidson and I am seeking your support to represent Ontario's interests on the FCM Board of Directors for a third year.

I became involved in municipal politics in 2014 when I was elected to serve on Wellington County Council. At that time, I owned and operated a franchise business in Listowel, Ontario. Prior to that I was a regional police constable. These work experiences provided me with skills and knowledge that have been very useful in serving the people of Mapleton and the County of Wellington.

After serving a full term on Wellington County Council, I was elected Mayor of the Township of Mapleton in 2018. As Mayor, I have worked with the community, Council and staff to make significant changes and investments in our community’s future. The role of the Mayor and County Councillor has provided me with a greater understanding of why municipalities need to be involved with advocating the Provincial and Federal governments.

FCM provides municipal members, no matter what the population size, opportunities to bring forth matters of national interest. With having lived and worked in small and large Ontario communities, I can bring your concerns forward as your FCM board member.

Additional Information about Gregg:

  • Born and raised in Cambridge, Ontario (Galt), moved to Georgetown and then to Milton as an adult before moving to the Drayton area of the Township of Mapleton in 2006.
  • A police constable from 1988 to 2006 in various roles, including crime scene investigator, educator, supervisor, and marketing.
  • One of the founding members of Ontario Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
  • Franchise business owner from 2006 to 2018.
  • Recipient of the Chairman’s Club award for business excellence.
  • Elected to the National Marketing and the National Advisory committees for the franchise business.
  • Past Chair of Safe Communities Wellington County.
  • Past Chair of Solid Waste Services of Wellington County.

To connect with Gregg please email greggd@wellington.ca or cell # 226-929-7481


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