I’m Robin McPherson - Councillor in The Garden City - St. Catharines. I am excited to be running for a position on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board.

Why am I running for the FCM Board? As the first member of the 2SLGBTQI+ community to be elected as a city councillor of St. Catharines and a seasoned digital strategist, I bring a unique blend of passion, experience, and fresh perspectives to the table. I believe that I will be able to contribute my unique insights and experiences to help shape policies that are inclusive, forward-thinking, and beneficial for all Canadian municipalities.

I was appointed to council in 2022 and then elected as a city councillor in 2022, and since then, I have been dedicated to making significant changes that positively impact our city. One of my proudest achievements so far is helping to establish the first Regional and Municipal Taskforce focused on Community Safety and Well-Being in Downtown St. Catharines. This initiative is close to my heart as it directly supports our business community while addressing critical issues like homelessness, addiction, and mental health.

I am a current member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Finance, Infrastructure, and Transportation Committee and had the incredible opportunity to participate in the FCM Advocacy Days in November 2023.

I successfully advocated for St. Catharines City Council to pass motions unanimously supporting the FCM New Municipal Growth Framework and maintaining the current funding structure for the Canadian Community Building Fund. I worked with the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce to introduce a policy resolution at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM to support FCM’s call for a New Municipal Growth Framework for municipalities and the motion was passed at the OCC AGM in April 2024. These are significant steps forward in ensuring sustainable growth and community building across municipalities in Canada.

Beyond my council I have the great pleasure of being part of several local boards. I serve as the Chair of Tourism St. Catharines, where we drive efforts to promote the city and boost economic growth. I am advocating at council to create a municipal development corporation to utilize our city’s real estate assets for community benefit and support the City's housing development goals. I'm past chair and current board member of the Downtown Business Association and a board member at the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre. These roles have allowed me to impact our community positively, fostering business opportunities and enhancing cultural offerings.

I am eager to bring my experience, my voice, and my commitment to the FCM Board, working collaboratively to tackle the challenges our municipalities face today.

To connect with me email rmcpherson@stcatharines.ca, call 905.328.0003.
To learn more visit robinmcpherson.com

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