FCM in the news

CBC was in Leduc, Alberta, to report on the FCM’s Western Economic Taskforce’s meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Transport Minister Marc Garneau, and Economic Development Minister Melanie Joly.

FCM in the news

Global News covered the FCM’s Western Economic Solutions Taskforce meetin with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Transport Minister Marc Garneau and Economic Development Minister Melanie Joly on February 11 in Leduc, Alberta.

FCM in the news

The Canadian Press reports that mayors from some of Canada’s biggest cities urged Parliament to adopt CUSMA as soon as possible.

FCM in the news

The Globe and Mail analyzes the pre-budget recommendations of FCM's Big City Mayors' Caucus for the upcoming federal budget.

FCM in the news

The Canadian Press reports on the budget priorities put forward by the Big City Mayors’ Caucus during their February 6 meeting in Ottawa.


GMF has recruited Council members to advise on the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3)-FCM initiatives. Learn more.

Green Municipal Fund

FCM in the news

The Globe and Mail reports on the First-100-Days roadmap FCM has set out for the new government.

FCM in the news

La Presse publishes a report on FCM’s recommendations for our new government’s first 100 days in office.
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