The Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) typically works with partner communities over a three-year time frame. Given the timing of this application, successful applicants will have a condensed two-year period to achieve the deliverables outlined below. In order to achieve success, communities will need to commit to working at an accelerated pace. Below is a sample timeline that lays out the deliverables of this program within this accelerated model. Please review the timeline and ensure your communities would be able to meet the requirements.
Summary of deliverables:
- Participating in four joint workshops, designed jointly and facilitated by the CEDI team
- Passing council resolutions committing to process
- Establishing a CEDI Working Group and selecting community champions for participation
- Drafting and passing WG Terms of Reference
- Drafting and passing Relationship/Friendship Agreement or MOU, if applicable
- Developing annual workplans for the Working Group
- Preparing to implement joint economic development initiative(s)
- Jointly managing and using available capacity building grants
Suggested delivery timeline:
Note: Monthly Working Group Meetings will be held to plan for joint Workshops and to forward the workplan. Additional strategic planning sessions may be required
Early April 2019
- Host one on one meetings (each community with CEDI team)
- Establish CEDI Champions and Working Group
End of April 2019
- Host first joint Working Group meeting
Early June 2019
- Host CEDI joint Workshop #1 – Needs Assessment and Validation
July/August 2019
- Both communities pass council resolutions committing to CEDI for 2-years
September 2019
- Draft Working Group Terms of Reference
October/November 2019
- Host CEDI joint Workshop #2 – Vision Setting and Drafting Relationship/Friendship Accord or Memorandum of Understanding
- Complete draft Relationship/Friendship Accord or Memorandum of Understanding
January/February 2020
- Draft CEDI working group annual workplan
April/May 2020
- Host CEDI joint Workshop #3 – Joint Planning for Economic Development Initiative
December - March 2021
- Access capacity building grants for joint economic development initiative