FCM is seeking one elected municipal official from Atlantic Canada to join the Green Municipal Fund Council. The Council provides strategic oversight for GMF programs and oversees funding for sustainable municipal projects across Canada.

The ideal candidate will be recognized as a champion of environmental issues within their respective municipality and/or region and will have the knowledge and skills necessary to review technical and financial information in municipal sustainability project applications.

Candidate Profile

  • Experience and expertise in organizational governance.
  • Understanding of the political, economic, social, and cultural landscape of Atlantic Canada.
  • The ability to think independently, act in the best interests of GMF, free from real or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Proven general management skills.
  • In-depth knowledge of municipal issues and priorities in one or more of the following GMF-funded sectors, with expertise developed through industry experience an asset:
    • Energy: Net-zero and resilient buildings, energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste energy recovery, and fuel switching;
    • Water: Improving water quality, accessibility and reducing usage;
    • Land use and housing: Resilient, net-zero, inclusive, and complete community development;
    • Transportation: Net-zero transportation, demand management, affordable and accessible transit, active transport, zero-emission vehicles;
    • Circular economy: Resource management, waste reduction, and maintaining product/material value;
    • Integrated projects: Community planning integrating activities across GMF-funded sectors.

Commitment to regional representation, anti-Racism, equity, inclusion and Reconciliation

The GMF Council maintains representation from across Canada. As FCM already has municipal representation on the GMF Council from the other regions of Canada, this call is open only to elected municipal officials from Atlantic Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick). Furthermore, GMF Council aims to balance representation from urban and rural, small and large communities. 

The FCM is committed to fostering an organizational culture that is committed to Reconciliation with indigenous people and embraces anti-racism, equity, and inclusion, where individuals from diverse racial and ethnic identities, nationalities, social economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression and physical and mental abilities can thrive and be fully engaged at their best level.

As part of this commitment, GMF has joined the 50-30 Challenge and is striving to increase the representation and inclusion of diverse groups within its GMF Council. FCM is seeking candidates aligning with FCM’s 50-30 Challenge commitment as an important consideration in the recruitment process.



The GMF Council meets approximately 10 times per year. This includes four face-to-face meetings, usually held in Ottawa, and approximately six meetings held by electronic means. The four Council Committees—Audit, Investment, Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3), and Governance—generally meet four times a year, prior to Council meetings, with some of these meetings being held also via electronic means.

Accessibility accommodations are available at in-person meetings, and meetings are bilingual, with simultaneous translation available. All travel expenses are reimbursed by GMF.

A calendar of all meeting dates will be established at the beginning of each year. Occasional ad hoc meetings may be held by telephone or web conference. Attendance is expected at all scheduled Council meetings to ensure a quorum.  


Staff will provide a comprehensive Governance Handbook outlining your responsibilities and legislative requirements. Individual meetings will be held with the GMF Council Chair and senior staff. You will gain insight into the culture of the organization and the guiding philosophies and methods used in the management process. The Chair will discuss your role as a GMF Council member, Council’s expectations of you, and help you determine where you might serve on one or more committees. All incoming Council members are also paired with a veteran member of Council as a go-to individual for questions and insight.

All Council members are expected to follow the Confidentiality, Code of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest policies of the GMF and will be asked to sign these agreements annually.

Meeting preparation and follow-up

Ahead of each Council meeting, the translated meeting package—agendas, minutes of previous meetings, and other materials—are shared with Council members via a board portal. Council members are expected to review this information and to direct any questions to the GMF Council Chair or GMF staff, so that clarification can be made or any additional information required can be brought to the meeting.

Draft minutes will be submitted for approval by all Council members at the following meeting. Members are asked to review the minutes and to immediately address any questions or concerns, so that they may be dealt with prior to the next meeting.

Why serve on the GMF Council?

The FCMs’ GMF is a globally unique and catalyzing mix of funding and capacity building. GMF leverages a $2.1 billion investment from the Government of Canada to give municipalities nation-wide the tools they need to accelerate their transition to a resilient, net-zero, sustainable future. For more than two decades, GMF has helped communities adopt high-performing climate solutions and practices faster.

The GMF Council is an integral part of a national sustainable fund that can invest in the “best of the best” ideas. Ideas that lead to fresh, innovative initiatives that result in broad knowledge transfer here in Canada and beyond. GMF Council membership is an opportunity to contribute at a strategic level to the broader community, the environment, and to the generations that will follow. GMF projects will challenge and inspire you as you witness the positive difference they make in Canadian communities. As a GMF Council member, you will have an opportunity to develop and share your professional knowledge and expertise, provide strategic leadership, and know that what you do matters.

Supplemental information

FCM compensates GMF Council members for their time and efforts. The current honorarium is a total of $2,250 for a full-day face-to-face meeting, which covers preparation time and attendance. The honorarium for a web-based meeting is a total of $500 for preparation and attendance. Participation on a GMF Committee also includes an honorarium of $500/meeting.

Expenses incurred for traveling (airfare, taxi, personal mileage) to a Council meeting will be reimbursed. GMF staff will arrange for direct billing for hotel accommodation and meals are provided during meetings. GMF staff are available to assist with travel arrangements, including the purchase of airline or train tickets.

The successful candidates can expect to be appointed to the GMF Council in March/April 2025.

About the Green Municipal Fund

FCM’s mandate includes delivering programs that help build municipalities’ capacity to do what they do best: deliver innovative, cost-effective, local solutions to environmental challenges. The Green Municipal Fund (GMF) is one of FCM’s flagship programs contributing to this objective. The GMF equips communities with the means to plan, design, and implement sustainability projects. GMF-supported initiatives aim to improve air, water, and land, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through GMF, FCM funds municipal environmental initiatives in five sectors of municipal activity. These projects lead to innovative solutions that can be readily scaled-up and replicated in other municipalities, for the benefit of all Canadians. GMF’s support includes grants and loans, but also a range of valuable knowledge services and resources such as case studies, training, and networking opportunities.

Incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, the GMF was created as a joint agreement between FCM and the Government of Canada.

The federal government has entrusted $2.1 billion to FCM for the GMF, and the Fund is maintained at a level of at least $1.1 billion as an endowment to draw from for project grants and loans. With this mandate to maintain fund sustainability, GMF is accountable for both program delivery and fund investment management. The GMF Funding Agreement requires that FCM manage investment risk by establishing a statement of investment policy and strategy in accordance with the Prudent Person Principle. The GMF has seen rapid growth which is expected to continue over the next few years. To date, GMF has committed to disbursing over $1 billion to support more than 1,500 green initiatives across Canada, including projects that leverage corporate and government funding.

About the GMF Council

The GMF Council is comprised of 18 members. One-third of the members are Government of Canada representatives, one-third are elected municipal officials, and one-third are members from the general public (academic, environmental, nonprofit, and private sector). GMF Council members are leaders in the federal, municipal, and environmental space, and are innovators and champions of environmental sustainability.

FCM stives to achieve diversity within the GMF Council to ensure its representation mirrors the diversity found across Canada. This inclusive composition provides a variety of perspectives, experiences, and knowledge, which is essential for cultivating equitable and innovative solutions.

FCM has made a commitment to have the GMF Council meet the 50-30 Challenge. The 50-30 Challenge asks that organizations aspire to two goals:

  1. Gender parity (50% women and/or non-binary people); and
  2. Significant representation (30%) of members of other equity-deserving groups, including those who identify as Racialized, Black, and/or People of colour ("Visible Minorities"), People with disabilities (including invisible and episodic disabilities), 2SLGBTQ+ and/or gender and sexually diverse individuals, and Aboriginal and/or Indigenous Peoples. The program and participants recognize Indigenous Peoples, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit, as founding Peoples of Canada and underrepresented in positions of economic influence and leadership.

Council members’ work is supported by their collective in-depth knowledge, lived experiences, and expertise in areas of risk management, accounting and auditing, investment and fund management, communications, community engagement, capacity building in the Canadian municipal context, and other related disciplines. Able to provide a balanced perspective, GMF Council members exhibit exceptional ethical integrity as they act in the best interests of GMF and FCM. They speak with one voice, are collaborative in approach, and are capable and familiar with fulfilling a governance role for the GMF and its applications, as well as providing an advisory role to FCM’s national Board of Directors. Always willing to actively and effectively listen, learn, and develop, they ask challenging questions and exercise sound judgment as they diligently apply themselves to the work of the GMF Council. They proactively make wise, strategic choices based on proven best practices.

How to express your interest

If you are interested in applying to GMF Council, please complete the GMF Council Expression of Interest form, including a copy of your curriculum vitae, no later than 11:59 PM (ET) on Sunday, February 23, 2025.

If you’re having any problems with the form or have any questions, you can contact us at governance.gmf@fcm.ca. All applications will be confidential. Interviews will be scheduled in March 2025.

Green Municipal Fund
© 2025 Federation of Canadian Municipalities