Everything you need to know about who we are and what we do is right here. Use our Facebook and Twitter pages to stay up to date on current news.

Who we are

With over 2,100 members representing 92% of Canada's population, we are the national voice of municipal government.

Our mission

We are the national leader and voice of Canadian municipalities, shaping the national agenda and fostering strong and effective local governments.

What we do

We advocate in Ottawa on behalf of our members, making sure municipal priorities are reflected in federal policies and programs. Our programs provide funding and support capacity building that empowers local experts to focus on solving challenges in communities across Canada.

Our governance

Our Board of Directors has 75 elected municipal officials and affiliate members from across Canada. They develop policies and sets priorities that reflect our members' positions on issues that concern municipal governments across the country.

We fill board positions through elections held at our Annual Conference and Trade Show. Affiliate members and designated positions are not elected.

The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Third Vice President are elected at large. The Past President is automatically appointed.

Board of Directors

FCM's Board of Directors sets policy priorities that reflect the concerns of municipal governments and affiliate members. It meets quarterly to develop policy positions on key national municipal issues. 

Big City Mayors' Caucus

Our Big City Mayors' Caucus includes representatives from 23 of Canada's biggest cities. Together, they develop policies on a range of issues that affect urban centres.

Our logo

Send your logo requests to media@fcm.ca.

© 2025 Federation of Canadian Municipalities