March 2023: Project Highlights
Making a tangible impact together
JMSP partnered with the Jordan Ministry of Local Administration (MoLA) and 12 municipalities to improve solid waste management practices, bolster resilience, support good governance and service delivery, and foster gender equality, all in support of Jordan’s decentralization efforts.
As the project comes to a close, we are delighted to share its leading accomplishments, all of which will make a lasting impact on Jordan’s municipal sector and in the lives of citizens throughout the country.
JMSP's 12 partner municipalities, and an additional 21 municipalities, have implemented activities in five areas:
- accessible and educational parks
- improved and organized routing systems
- green rooftops
- solar panels
- solid waste management plans
JMSP also led a very popular initiative to produce compost for domestic use that trained 71 women and 180 men. A bread-sharing service was also developed to avoid waste.
JMSP provided technical support to MoLA through the introduction of participatory gender audits, as well as knowledge management and capacity self-assessment tools.
- 18 women and men ministerial staff were trained on knowledge sharing and product dissemination strategies.
- 20 women and men staff from MoLA and the Cities and Villages Development Bank were equipped to conduct a participatory gender audit.
- The Municipal Capacity Assessment Tool (MCAT2) was rolled out to 100 municipalities, and 31 municipal capacity-building plans were developed.
- 118 community engagement activities (women- and youth-ed cleanup campaigns, upcycling, beautification of public space) were conducted using the fostering sustainable behaviour (FSB) model.
JMSP used Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to encourage better engagement with women, youth, people with disabilities and the elderly.
- 79 women and men council members and staff were trained on GBA+.
- 36 women executive and heads of local development units were trained on leadership, communication, problem solving and public speaking skills.
- 9 women executive managers and members of local development units shattered a cultural barrier when they co-led waste audits, SWOT analyses, and solid waste management plans and initiatives with their male peers.
Project Description and Objectives
The Jordan Municipal Support Project (JMSP) supports Jordanian municipalities to deliver improved and inclusive municipal services, with a focus on local governance capacity and solid waste management. At its core, JMSP also promotes social inclusion and community engagement.
JMSP works with Jordan’s Ministry of Local Administration (MoLA) and 12 Jordanian partner municipalities to develop more inclusive and sustainable municipal practices; to foster meaningful community engagement; and to replicate good practices in additional municipalities in order to continue strengthening Jordan’s municipal sector.
Canadian and Jordanian municipal practitioners provide peer-to-peer technical assistance to elected municipal officials and municipal staff, MoLA staff and community members, including women and youth.
In the past five years, JMSP collaborated with 36 municipal experts from municipalities, local government associations and provincial/territorial associations across Canada. Expertise was provided in solid waste management, strategic and operational planning, gender equality and inclusion (including training in GBA+), and community engagement.
JMSP is a six-year (2017-2023) project implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in collaboration with Jordan’s Ministry of Local Administration and Jordanian municipalities. It is funded by Global Affairs Canada.