Featured news & resources
See featured resources, news, events and training related to Public transit.The Government of Canada provides $530 million to municipalities through the Green Municipal Fund to help communities adapt to climate change.
FCM and Canada support local projects that advance transit access and enhance sustainability in six communities across British Columbia.
Three green transportation projects in B.C. are getting over $223,000 in support thanks to the Government of Canada and FCM.
FCM’s president, Taneen Rudyk releases a statement in reaction to PM Trudeau’s and Minister Hussen’s Housing Accelerator Fund-related announcement.
A document that summarizes FCM’s priorities for the 2023 Canadian Federal Budget, including housing, infrastructure, and climate adaptation recommendations.
This news release is released in an active effort to present FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference (Feb 7 – 10) by giving a glimpse into some of the interesting local, sustainability programming the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund has prepared for the conference

Climate and sustainability