"This afternoon I spoke with Prime Minister Designate Justin Trudeau, and discussed our shared priorities for Canada's cities.

This election campaign saw an unprecedented focus on cities as Canada's economic engines — and important commitments from the new government about investing in priorities such as better transit infrastructure and affordable housing. I am proud of the efforts of my colleagues on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Big City Mayors Caucus in the months leading up to and throughout the campaign. Together, we successfully highlighted the crucial role cities play in improving the quality of life for all Canadian families. Mayors across Canada are hopeful about what we can continue to achieve together with a renewed and robust partnership between cities and our federal government.

We also discussed preparations by Canada and leading international cities ahead of this December's UN Climate Conference in Paris, and how our cities can work with the Government of Canada to provide increased assistance with welcoming refugees from Syria and the Middle East.

I look forward to further discussions with the Prime Minister, and to working together on implementing a more positive, innovative and forward-looking vision for our economy, our communities and our country."

Gregor Robertson
Chair, FCM's Big City Mayors' Caucus
Mayor of Vancouver

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