(OTTAWA) - Canadian municipalities will play an important role as leaders from around the world gather in Paris for the COP21 conference. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) will officially represent local governments as part of the Canadian delegation during the conference taking place from November 30 through December 11.

"FCM is pleased to accept the invitation to join the official Canadian delegation attending the COP21 conference in Paris," said FCM President Raymond Louie. "The invitation reflects the key role municipalities play in the fight against climate change, as well as the importance of working together across all orders of government to implement proven solutions in our cities and communities."

Municipal representation on the Canadian delegation also includes the mayors of Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto.

Canadian local expertise on display throughout the climate conference

In addition to being part of the official Canadian delegation, FCM will lead a wider delegation of municipal leaders taking part in a range of events related to the climate conference.

They will meet with local and national partners from around the world to share Canadian expertise in local climate change prevention. They will also demonstrate the vital role municipalities currently play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other measures, as well as the critical role local governments will play in achieving any climate change objectives set during the COP21 summit.

"The only way to ensure the success of any international greenhouse gas agreement following Paris is through partnership with local government," said FCM President Raymond Louie. "As the order of government on the front lines of climate change, we will continue to provide environmental leadership to Canadians and their families."

Through local initiatives and through FCM's Green Municipal Fund, municipalities have implemented hundreds of projects including innovative green technologies, building and retrofitting energy efficient and zero-emission public buildings, integrating electric vehicles into municipal and public transit fleets, and efficient clean water and waste water services.

Municipal leadership and expertise is creating "greener" cities and communities, improving the lives of Canadian families, creating thousands of good, sustainable jobs, protecting communities from the impact of weather related disasters, and improving Canada's economy. The Paris conference provides an ideal opportunity for Canada's local leaders to share that expertise with the rest of the world and to learn from what others are doing to protect the environment and improve the lives of their people.

"Canadians expect all orders of government to work together to prevent climate change and the disasters that it causes," said FCM President Raymond Louie. "Municipalities are ready to work with our federal partners to show leadership internationally and achieve results here at home."

FCM is the national voice of municipal government. In leading the municipal movement, FCM works to align federal and local priorities, recognizing that strong hometowns make for a strong Canada.

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