The President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) extends congratulations to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his first Cabinet.

Raymond Louie said he looks forward to working closely with the new government to strengthen the economy and improve quality of life for all Canadians.

"FCM has already actively begun reaching out to congratulate the new Ministers. We're making it clear we are excited about the opportunity for a new type of partnership between our orders of government to strengthen our communities and Canada," said Louie. "Last week, I enjoyed a warm call with the prime minister-designate, now with the new cabinet sworn-in it is time to roll up our sleeves and get to work for Canadians."

Mr. Louie also applauded the strength and background of the new Cabinet Ministers, particularly the new Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi. "I am excited to work with Minister Sohi in his new capacity. His background in municipal politics and his dedication to issues such as public transit will make him a great partner on the priorities that matter to all Canadians."

Throughout the federal election campaign, FCM was instrumental in making municipal issues a priority for the main parties. Issues such as infrastructure, public transit, and housing became key planks in the Liberal Party's campaign platform.

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