The President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) welcomes the election of Rona Ambrose as the new Interim Party Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

On behalf of the over 2,000 members of FCM, President Raymond Louie said he looks forward to working with Ms. Ambrose and the entire Conservative Caucus to strengthen the economy and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.

"FCM will work with the new Conservative Interim Leader to strengthen and enhance partnerships between all orders of government that are critical to building strong communities and a strong Canada," said Louie. "I look forward to speaking to Ms. Ambrose very soon to discuss how we can work together in the months ahead."

FCM has a strong track record of working with all Members of Parliament to advance municipal priorities. Issues such as public transit, infrastructure and housing figured prominently in platforms of all the main parties in the most recent federal election.

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