The Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) supports First Nations and neighbouring municipalities who want to create a shared vision for joint economic development.
In 2016, Hiawatha First Nation, Curve Lake First Nation, Selwyn Township, Otonabee South-Monaghan Township, the County of Peterborough and Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development came together as CEDI partners. With the help of CEDI’s Stronger Together framework, the Treaty 20-Greater Peterborough Area partnership has forged positive, respectful relationships and collaborated on joint community economic development projects.
This partnership has committed to joint planning in several areas of mutual benefit, including community economic development, regional and Indigenous tourism, planning and the duty to consult, and public/youth engagement and education. Cando and FCM are grateful to Indigenous Services Canada for producing this video, which shares their story of success.
This video explores the impact of building positive relationships, demonstrated at their ceremonial signing of “Ezhi-Wiijikiwendiyang” or Friendship Accord, which articulates the spirit of their partnership and their commitment to work together moving forward, for the well-being of our communities. “Ezhi-Wiijikiwendiyang” translated from Anishanaabemowin roughly to ‘how we are friends.’
This program is funded by the Government of Canada and implemented in partnership with Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers).