Why this knowledge hub?
This compilation of resources from across Canada and around the world are some of the many tools, best practices, projects, research and ideas which have been pulled together with the hopes of promoting and achieving parity in municipal representation. The hub is intended to be a complement to the Run, Win, Lean, Toward Parity in Municipal Politics, a sectoral framework with the intention to support the attainment and retention of gender parity in local government. Based on a pan-Canadian extensive consultation about the challenges and opportunities to promote diverse and equal representation in local leadership. The Toward Parity project categorized these realties into four pillars of intervention.
Addresses all the gaps in information that exist from tools, best practices, and knowledge from running a campaign to the data gaps and misinformation that persist about the roles and responsibilities of local government.
Addresses a number of societal challenges including but not limited to disparities due to gender, race, age, economic status. The inclusion theme also tackles key issues such as intimidation, harassment (online and in person) as well as exclusionary norms and processes.
Addresses the steps, mechanisms and processes that could be put in place to ensure that all women have support to overcome challenges or to balance out additional burdens that exist as a result of their gender. This includes familial support, access to mentorship, policies and workplace accommodations.
Addresses the changes to policies, structures (political, financial and legislative) that impact an individual’s ability to serve their community. This also incorporates the broader relationships with stakeholders that will allow for more informed and reflective decision-making for the community.
Within each pillar of intervention there are opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure that all women have an equal opportunity to #RunWinLead in municipal politics. The pillars and actions do not operate in silos but are interconnected influencing one another.
Communities, stakeholders, regional associations and international actors have been working to remove the barriers to equal representation. This knowledge hub is a compilation of some of the many resources, examples, tools, reports and best practices that a diverse representation of stakeholders have shared virtually. The resources have been categorised into one of the four pillars of intervention, however many of these resources could be included in all pillars. The resources are at times only available in one language, but where possible we have included the links to both the French and English versions. Happy reading!
RESOURCES: Four pillars for change
1. Improved access to information
- Best practices guide: Gender equity in local government
- Closing the Diversity Gap in the infrastructure Industry
- Commonwealth Local Government Women in Local Government - Knowledge hub
- Disaggregated data tool - Templates
- Elect Her: A Road map for improving the representation of Women in Canadian Politics
- Election toolkit for women: The Candidate’s guide to municipal elections
- En Avant Toutes : pour une prospérité équitable
- Gender equality Act_ 2020 - Fact Sheet
- Gender equity in local government - Research companion
- Getting to the gate: Discover your pathway to find success in politics - Guide book
- Getting to the gate: Discover your pathway to find success in politics - Activity Booklet
- Guide d’accueil et de référence pour les élus municipaux
- Guide Rédaction épicène
- How to get elected as a city Councilor
- It's simple we need more women on city council
- Les femmes en politique : en route vers la parité
- Les femmes toujours sous-représentées en politique et dans les postes de présidente
- Mairesse ou Maire: Conseillère ou Conseiller, Pourquoi pas vous?
- Municipal elections in Canada: A guide for women candidates
- Municiparité : Guide de bonnes pratiques
- On voit loin pour notre monde: Des défis qui demeurent importants pour les femmes
- Organize to Lead
- Parcours de la candidate
- Politique d'égalité et de parité: entre les femmes et les hommes
- Ready for her: A guide for women running for municipal office
- Women on the Ballot: Recognizes women considering life in politics
- The power of parity: Advancing women's equality in Canada
- Women in Canada: A gender based statistical report
- Women in Local Government: Getting to 30%
- Women in Local Government: Getting to 30%: Lessons Learned
- Women's Leadership - Focus area
2. Enhanced inclusion
- Advancing equity and inclusion. A guide for municipalities
- Advancing gender equity in the city of Ottawa
- Are you ready for change? Gender equality attitudes study 2019
- C'est MA communauté! Guide d’engagement jeunesse
- Change the world (by having fun) Youth Civic Engagement Toolkit
- Comment realiser l’égalité entre les genres dans votre milieu, Outils de bonnes pratiques à l’égalite entre les genres
- Diversity and Inclusion Advisory committee - City of Mississauga
- Ending violence against women in the context of COVID-19
- Equity and Inclusion lens: Handbook
- Equity and Inclusion Lens – A user’s guide
- Gender equity, diversity and inclusion strategy, City of Calgary
- Harassment and Prevention Policy Template
- Increasing Women’s Participation in Municipal Decision Making: Strategies for More Inclusive Canadian Communities
- It's Time: Mayors Guide - Accelerating Gender Equality. Strengthening Communities by Advancing Women and Girls
- Lack of Council diversity puts municipalities at Risk
- LIVRE BLANC: Sur la participation civique et citoyenne des femmes immigrantes francophones de l'Ontario
- Moving the mark on racism in local government, Part 1
- Moving the mark on racism in local government, Part 2
- Online Culture shift: safer platforms for women in politics
- Preventing violence against women in elections: A programming guide
- Summary: The role of municipalities in advancing women’s equality in Canada
- The facts about online hate and cyber-violence against women and girls in Canada
- The role of municipalities in advancing women’s equality in Canada
3. Increased support
- Act: Be Her, Support Her, Celebrate Her
- Common Wealth Women in Local Government Network
- Conciliation travail-famille pour les élues et élus
- Empowering women in local government
- Journée internationale de la femme: l’UMQ multiplie les initiatives en faveur de la parité et de l’égalité
- On est prêtes! femmes en politiques
- On voit loin pour notre monde: Des défis qui demeurent importants pour les femmes
- Political Mentoring Toolkit
- Portrait de conciliation
- Proposed Administrative Order 2019-003-GOV Respecting Parental Accommodation Policy for Elected Officials
- Protégé Program: Community and Mentor Guide
- Removing the Barriers to Young Women’s Participation in Local Government: A Guidebook to Creating a Head start Group for Young Women
- Toronto Regional Champion Campaign: Increasing Women’s participation in municipal Government
- Whose Job is it anyway? Report and Recommendations
- Women in Municipal government
- Women in Politics - Find a mentor
4. Improved governance and structures
- A transformative stand-alone goal on achieving gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment: Imperatives and key components
- Comment prendre en compte les besoins des femmes dans ta municipalité?
- En mouvement pour la parité: politique d’égalite entre les femmes et les hommes
- Exemples des politique d'égalité des municipalités de la région du Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean
- Gender-Based Analysis + : What is it and Why?
- Gender Budgets: Why they Matter in Canada
- Gender Equality Act - 2020
- Gender Equality - Women's rights in review 25 years after Beijing
- Gender targeted public funding for political parties
- Looking through the gender Lens: 5 steps to building local government competencies and capacities to promote gender equality
- Planning an effective consultation. A guide for including the full diversity of women
- Politque d'égalité et de parité: entre les femmes et les hommes
- Pour une gouvernance équitable
- Removing the Barriers to Young Women’s Participation in Local Government: A Guidebook to Creating a Head start Group for Young Women
- The Role of Municipalities in Advancing Women’s Equity in Canada
- Vancouver: A city for all women – women’s equity strategy 2018-2028
- Win with Women – Building Inclusive 21st Century Parties
- Win with women assessment toolkit
- Women and local Executive Office
Toward Parity supported 20 projects with a small grant to enhance the opportunities for all women, with a priority for women of intersectional and diverse backgrounds, in their community through a locally responsive initiatives building on local creativity, talent and momentum. Congratulations to all the communities who were selected and implemented their initiatives.
Improved Access to Information
City of Moncton (NB):
The City of Moncton is actively planting the seed to encourage more women to run for municipal office with special outreach to the 20-35 year old age group, newcomers and seniors.
City of Mount Pearl (NL):
YWCA St John’s and The City of Mount Pearl partner to explore "Why Diversity Matters in Politics"
City of Winkler (MB):
The City of Winkler is using lunch and learn activities to facilitate a greater understanding and acceptance in the community of the importance of diverse voices and representation, particularly encouraging young, newcomer and rural women from diverse backgrounds into local government and other leadership positions in Winkler.
District Municipality of Muskoka (ON):
Have a seat at the table, Engaging women of Muskoka in municipal politics. A partnership between YWCA Muskoka and the District to offer a series of women-centred online workshops aimed at engaging more women in municipal politics
Town of Hinton (AB):
The Town of Hinton and Community Futures West Yellowhead encourage more women to run for council, through networking, sharing and learning sessions .
Town of Orangeville (ON):
Orangeville is supporting women from diverse groups to run for council through a series of speakers corner inspiration women from Orangeville , sharing insights, advice and inspriation. (link to resource coming soon)
Town of Pouch Cove (NL):
The Town of Pouch Cove is introducing and encouraging more women into the world of politics through the Growing Community Involvement: A Workshop for Women in Pouch Cove
Enhanced Inclusion
City of Chestermere (AB):
Conversation Café and Webinar series on Inclusion, Support, Diversity and so much more. A dynamic series of inspiration webinars tackling many of the obstacles to women in politics.
City of Hamilton (ON):
The City of Hamilton and YWCA-Hamilton provided an opportunity for women and non-binary individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, Persons of Colour (BIPOC) to participate in a series of workshops with a focus on learning how to claim power and place in politics to affect change.
County of Simcoe (ON):
The County of Simcoe is helping immigrant women take up community leadership roles and consider leadership in municipal politics. (link to resource coming soon)
Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities and 6 First Nation Councils and our 10 Municipal Councils in Eastern Nova Scotia
Elect her celebrating women in local government. Building, strengthening and promoting women’s leadership in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
Town of Ajax (ON):
Durham Girls Inc, promoting women in leadership from a young age. The Town of Ajax and Durham Girls Inc are inspiring, growing and encouraging the leaders of tomorrow.
Increased Support
City of Nanaimo (BC):
Mentorship and linkages are critical to promoting more women in leadership roles. Learn how the City of Nanaimo in partnership with Equal Voice Central Vancouver Island are pairing mentors and young mentees so that they can see themselves in political and leadership positions.
City of Prince George (BC):
Inspiring women among us. The City of Prince George and the University of Nothern British Columbia promote women in leadership and politics by showcasing and celebrating inspiring, diverse women.
St Catherines (ON) :
Mentorship is key to getting women into city hall. The City of St Catherines and Women in Niagra Council build equity and inclusiveness through mentorship and outreach.
United Counties of Prescott and Russell (ON):
Prescott-Russell launches an awareness campaign and toolkit to encourage women to run for municipal office and promote the importance of women’s representation on municipal councils.
Town of Lac du Bonnet (MB):
Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba helps rural women prepare to take an active role in municipal politics. (link to resource coming soon)
Québec (QC):
Building skills, a network and the power of effective and influencial communication; A virtual cohort of diverse Québécoises, both emerging and elected officials, took part in The Art of Effective Communication workshop offered in partnership with Groupes Femmes Politiques et Démocratie.