The effects of climate change are already being experienced in Canadian cities and communities across Canada as extreme weather events, such as heat waves and flooding, become more common. That’s why FCM has provided grants to 13 organizations that will help participating municipalities of all sizes — from all regions of Canada to reach significant carbon emission reduction targets.

The grants, known as Transition 2050, will fund training and support delivered by partner organizations to groups of municipalities to foster deep emissions reductions through peer learning, strategic planning and operational implementation. Grant recipients will build a network sharing similar challenges and solutions in addressing existing carbon reduction barriers. By participating in this initiative, municipalities can leverage lessons learned from municipalities facing similar challenges. Many of the participating municipalities are also members of the FCM-ICLEI Canada Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program who have achieved Milestone Five and are advancing their efforts on climate change. 

Through this initiative, municipalities across Canada will work together to develop long-term plans and projects contributing to a low carbon transition by 2050 in alignment with the target date as set out by the Paris Agreement. It will also contribute to carbon emissions reduction in support of the federal Pan-Canadian Framework (PCF).

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Transition 2050 is an initiative of the Municipalities for Climate Innovation program, a five-year $75-million program, delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

© 2025 Federation of Canadian Municipalities